Day two of Shooting Home 2013 sees participants finally starting on their projects.
Darren summarizes it best in his post: "Mother, grandmother+tenant, rundown mall, homesickness, Scandinavia-yearning, swimming pools, projection of self, foreign workers, incarceration, cancer-fighter." although grandmother+tenant is now Bras Basah Complex, Scandinavia-yearning is balanced with Singapore-loathing, projection of self is now.. erm... well we'll see.
Participants were reminded that it's important to not to ascribe meanings to a photo project AFTER the pictures have already been captured in an attempt to make the series of photos cohesive. The importance of craft was reemphasized, "I'll fix it later in photoshop" is no excuse for sloppy work.
Darren gives a lunch time talk about balancing the commercial and personal aspects of photography.
Wei Leng gives her take on being a visual artist and keeping up with practical work to pay the bills.
Emmeline and Cat, the people doing the REAL work.
Cheryl (on the right) gets an edit from Darren and Wei Leng.
Clarence and Fiona getting their work ready for show.
Dita at a personal crit session.
Irvin at the night critique.
The night critique.